Our Team
Board of Directors
Russell Bowie, President
Randy Kozik, Vice President Patricia Pringle, Secretary
Sean McGowan, Treasurer
Richard Alu
Steve Brooks
Vada Brooks
Beth Carter
Larry Carter
Megan Deaton
Jon Gifford
Carolyn Mohler
Natalie Moore
Elizabeth Phelps
Glenn Phelps
Bob Robertson
Steve Sanders
Justin Allen
Matt Haynes
Phil Klohr
Donna Sisson
Honorary Board Members:
Pat Buehler
Linda Herdeman
House Selections
Carolyn Mohler, Chairperson
Dick Alu
Vince Antonioli
Pat Baumann
Steve Brooks
Beth Carter
Larry Carter
Jon Gifford
Randy Kozik
Natalie Moore
Glenn Phelps
Pat Pringle
Tom Reinecker
Bob Robertson
Steve Sanders
Guffrie Smith
Patricia Pringle, Chair
Larry & Beth Carter
Natalie Moore
Steve Sanders
Bob Robertson
Megan Deaton
Donna Sisson
Matt Haynes
Justin Allen
Vada Brooks
Fundraising, Grant Applications
Liz Phelps, Chair
Steve Sanders
Natalie Moore
Beth Carter
Donna Sisson
Karl Neddenien
Natalie Moore, Chair
Karl Neddenien
Dick Alu
Russell Bowie
Megan Deaton
Carolyn Mohler, Chair
Patricia Pringle
Adam Sanders
Steve Sanders
Legal Advisor:
Larry Cumberland
Meet Our Supporters
Businesses, churches, individuals, and organizations assist us to accomplish our mission by donating time, money, materials, and skills.
Thank you to our Supporters!
A H Hatcher
Airtec Inc
Justin Allen
Amazon Smile
American Rescue Plan grant
Clinton and Teresa Ashley
Atlantic Rotor
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Cove Point Ellen Berry
Richard Blasy Jr
Margaret Buckler- McCarthy
Calvert Beacon
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Calvert County Board of Education
Calvert County Democratic Woman’s Club Calvert County Department of Solid Waste Calvert County Government
Calvert County Lions Club
Calvert County Office on Aging
Calvert County Times
Calvert Garden Club
Calvert Lighthouse Church
Cave to Castle Remodeling
Richard Ciabattoni
Cedar Point Federal Credit Union
Chaney Cares
Chesapeake Biological Lab
Christmas in April Board of Directors Christa Conant
Concerned Black Men of Calvert County, Inc. Constellation Energy
Cove Point LNG
Crownstone Contractors
Dream Weaver Café
Encompass Enterprises
Exelon (PEPCO) Overhead Construction Exelon Generation
Exelon Militaries Actively Connected
Exelon North American Young Generation Nuclear
Fred Wyrostek Plumbing
Friendship United Methodist Church God’s Bounty
Grace Brethren Church Calvert County Handy Man Construction
Darlene Harrod
Harvest Fellowship Presbyterian Church HELP Association
Homebuilders Care Foundation
Home Depot Foundation
Craig Hoying
Huntingtown United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship
HVAC Enterprises
IET Corporation
Insane Wood Creations
Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church Phillip Klohr
Knights of Columbus Council 9258/Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Solomons Leadership Southern Maryland–Class of 2022
Phyliss Lester
Life Church Calvert
Lowes – California, MD
Robert Marino
Chris McCall
Sean McGowan, CPA
Mill Creek Middle School National Junior Honor Society
Natalie Moore
New Life Calvert Church
Nicoletti’s Pizza
Northern High School National Honor Society
Patuxent Habitat for Humanity Pathway Investments Group, LLC Paul C. Hayden Jr.&Sons Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
PEPCO (PHI Holdings)
Karen Price – Financial Management Pat Pringle
RGS Title
Janet Robertson
S. MD Association of Realtors SMECO
SMILE Ecumenical Ministries Inc. Ann Smith
Smithville United Methodist Church, God’s Bounty
Sneade’s Ace Home Center Lusby Sneade’s Ace Home Center Owings Southern Maryland News
Spice Island Wicker
St. Nicholas Lutheran Church
Steve Cleary Home Improvement Steve Sanders
Joseph Suarez-Murias
The Baynet
The Well Doctor
Thomas Miller Electric
Ron Thomas
Joseph Thompson III
Tri-County Tree Service
United Way of Southern Maryland William Richmond Inc.
Wortman Law Firm
Jeffrey York
Judy Zinneman
David Scott Construction
Davis, Upton, & Palumbo
Day & Zimmerman
Dean Lumber & Supply Co.
Denise Breitburg
Dennis Montana
Dominion Employee Giving
Dominion Resources
Doris & Paul Berry
Dunkirk Supply
Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad
Durham Paints
Earth Tech
Ellen Berry
Emily Rupard
Ferguson Plumbing Supply
Floor Systems, Inc.
Floor Systems, Inc. of Huntingtown
Friendship United Methodist Church
Garcia�s Framing
Giant Food, Lusby
Griffin�s Flooring America
Gross and Sons Enterprises
Guardian 24/7
Handy Bob
Hatchers Supply
HELP Association
Home Builders Care Foundation
Howlin Concrete, Inc.
Huntingtown High School
Huntingtown United Methodist Church
Huntingtown Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad
Insane Wood Creations
J & S Signature Construction
J & T Gutter Service - John Mohler
James M. Clark, Inc.
Jeanne & John Bateman
Jeff Green
Jesse Kellum
Jesus the Divine Word Catholic Church
Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Joan Rozran
John & Judy Ivancik
John Bateman
John Lee
K & G Synergy Corporation
Katie Hanko
Keen Consruction
Kirk Swain
Kiwanis Club of Calvert County
Klaus Zwilsky
Klaus Zwilsky & Roberta Safer
Knights of Columbus Council 14775
Levitt�s Farm
Linda Evans
Lions Club of Calvert County
Lois Buckler
Lowes Foundation
Lusby Motor Company
Maisel Electric Heating and Air
Manhattan Construction
Margaret Phipps
Marrick Properties
Maryland Bank and Trust
Matters Plumbing
Mattress Discounters
McKenzie Septic and Backhoe
Michael Berens
Mid Chesapeake Bay Kiwanis
Mitchell�s Supply